Many of our members take LAMDA Acting exams while training with us. These exams foster and develop acting, communication skills and self confidence. We're very proud of our exceptional success rate in LAMDA exams and believe part of this is due to our unique approach to coaching.
What are LAMDA Exams?LAMDA {The London Academy of Dramatic Art} is one of the UK's oldest and most respected awarding organisations. They offer certified examinations in Acting from Grades 1 to 8. LAMDA exams celebrate achievement but also foster and develop very specific life skills - self confidence, clear communication and presentation skills. You can find out more information about the exams on LAMDA's website |
OUR LAMDA COACHINGWe believe that our unique system of LAMDA coaching at TTW is the secret of our members LAMDA exam success.
Our members work on their chosen monologues or duologues for only FIVE weekly 30 minute sessions and then they take their exam! (That's only 2.5hrs in total) As our members already come to us for drama training our unique system allows them to focus purely on their exam pieces. It also encourages self learning, professional working practices and keeps time and financial commitments as low as possible. |
To date we have a 100% pass rate AND
in 2023/24 96% of our members achieved a Distinction!
October ResultsINCREDIBLE results for our 9 sixth form members taking the very highest level of LAMDA exams:
1 Grade 8 - DISTINCTION 6 Grade 7's - ALL DISTINCTIONS - HIGHEST SCORE OF 93%! 2 Grade 6's - ALL DISTINCTIONS Fantastic news for all our entrants & they can use these results for their UCAS applications too! WELL DONE ALL! |
2024 exam dates
Our next exam session is in December and our candidates are getting stuck into their coaching. We know they're going to be brilliant! We're currently booked our 2025 dates with LAMDA - exam sessions should be February, May & July 2025. *If you're keen for your child to take their first or next exam do let us know!* |